Public relations managers: Salary, career path, job outlook, education and more

Public relations managers review press releases and sponsor corporate events to help maintain and improve the image of their organization or client.

Public relations managers help to clarify their organizations point of view to its main audience through media releases and interviews. They observe social, economic, and political trends that might ultimately affect their organization, and they recommend ways to enhance the firms image on the basis of those trends. For example, in response to a growing concern about the environment, the public relations manager for an oil company may create a campaign to publicize its efforts to develop cleaner fuels.

In large organizations, public relations managers often supervise a staff of public relations specialists. They also work with advertising, promotions, and marketing managers to ensure that advertising campaigns are compatible with the image the company or client is trying to portray. For example, if a firm decides to emphasize its appeal to a certain group, such as young people, the public relations manager needs to make sure that current advertisements are well received by that group.

In addition, public relations managers may handle internal communications, such as company newsletters, and may help financial managers produce an organizations reports. They may also draft speeches, arrange interviews, and maintain other forms of public contact to help the organizations top executives.

Public relations managers must be able to work well with many types of specialists to report the facts accurately. In some cases, the information they write has legal consequences. As a result, they must work with the companys or client's lawyers to be sure that the information they release is both legally accurate and clear to the public.

Education Required
For public relations and fundraising management positions, a bachelors degree in public relations, communications, English, fundraising, or journalism is generally required. However, some employers prefer a masters degree, particularly in public relations, journalism, fundraising, or nonprofit management.
Job Outlook
The projected percent change in employment from 2016 to 2026: 10% (Faster than average)
(The average growth rate for all occupations is 7 percent.)
Although not mandatory, public relations managers can become certified through the Public Relations Society of America. Candidates qualify on the basis of years of experience and must pass an exam to become certified.
Median pay: How much do Public Relations and Fundraising Managers make?
$107,320 Annual Salary
$51.59 per hour

Careers for Public Relations and Fundraising Managers

  • Communication managers
  • Communications experts
  • Communications officers
  • Fundraising directors
  • Fundraising managers
  • Information directors
  • Information officers
  • Media planners
  • Promoters
  • Public affairs directors
  • Public affairs managers
  • Public information directors
  • Public information relations managers
  • Public relations consultants
  • Public relations coordinators
  • Public relations counselors
  • Public relations directors
  • Public relations officers
  • Public relations practitioners
  • Publicists
  • Publicity directors
  • Publicity experts

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