Marriage and Family Therapists: Salary, career path, job outlook, education and more

Education Required
To become a marriage and family therapist, applicants need a masters degree in psychology, marriage and family therapy, or a related mental health field. A bachelors degree in most fields is acceptable to enter one of these masters degree programs.
Training Required
Candidates gain hands-on experience through postdegree supervised clinical work, sometimes referred to as an internship or residency. In training, they learn to provide family therapy, group therapy, psychotherapy, and other therapeutic interventions, under the supervision of a licensed counselor.
Job Outlook
The projected percent change in employment from 2016 to 2026: 20% (Much faster than average)
(The average growth rate for all occupations is 7 percent.)
All states require marriage and family therapists to be licensed. Licensure requires a masters degree and 2,000 to 4,000 hours of postdegree supervised clinical experience, sometimes referred to as an internship or residency. In addition, therapists must pass a state-recognized exam and complete annual continuing education classes.
Median pay: How much do Marriage and Family Therapists make?
$49,170 Annual Salary
$23.64 per hour

Marriage and family therapists help people manage problems with their family and other relationships.

What do Marriage and Family Therapists do?

Marriage and family therapists typically do the following:

  • Encourage clients to discuss their emotions and experiences
  • Help clients process their reactions and adjust to difficult changes in their life, such as divorce and layoffs
  • Guide clients through the process of making decisions about their future
  • Help clients develop strategies and skills to change their behavior and to cope with difficult situations
  • Refer clients to other resources or services in the community, such as support groups or inpatient treatment facilities
  • Complete and maintain confidential files and mandated records

Marriage and family therapists use a variety of techniques and tools to help their clients. Many apply cognitive behavioral therapy, a goal-oriented approach that helps clients understand harmful thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and teaches how to replace them with positive, life-enhancing ones.

Many marriage and family therapists work in private practice. They must market their practice to prospective clients and work with insurance companies and clients to get payment for their services.

Marriage and family therapists work with individuals, couples, and families. They bring a family-centered perspective to treatment, even when treating individuals. They evaluate family roles and development, to understand how clients families affect their mental health. They treat the clients relationships, not just the clients themselves. They address issues, such as low self-esteem, stress, addiction, and substance abuse.

Marriage and family therapists coordinate patient treatment with other professionals, such as psychologists and social workers.

Careers for Marriage and Family Therapists

  • Child and family counselors
  • Couples therapists
  • Family counselors
  • Family therapists
  • Marriage counselors
  • Marriage therapists
  • Relationship counselors

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