Glass artists: Salary, career path, job outlook, education and more

Glass artists process glass in a variety of wayssuch as by blowing, shaping, or joining itto create artistic pieces. Specific processes used include glassblowing, lampworking, and staining glass. Some of these processes require the use of kilns, ovens, and other equipment and tools that bend glass at high temperatures. These workers also decorate glass objects, such as by etching or painting.

Education Required
Most fine artists pursue postsecondary education to earn degrees that can improve their skills and job prospects. A formal educational credential is typically not needed for anyone to be a craft artist. However, it is difficult to gain adequate artistic skills without some formal education. High school classes such as art, shop, and home economics can teach prospective craft artists some of the basic skills they will need, such as drawing, woodworking, and sewing.
Training Required
Craft and fine artists improve their skills through practice and repetition. They can train in several ways other thanor in addition toformal schooling. Craft and fine artists can train with simpler projects before attempting something more ambitious.
Job Outlook
The projected percent change in employment from 2016 to 2026: 8% (As fast as average)
(The average growth rate for all occupations is 7 percent.)
Craft and fine artists advance professionally as their work circulates and as they establish a reputation for their particular style. Many of the most successful artists continually develop new ideas, and their work often evolves over time.
Median pay: How much do Craft and Fine Artists make?
$48,780 Annual Salary
$23.45 per hour

Careers for Craft and Fine Artists

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